As you approach retirement or even if you're already retired, it's important to understand how Social Security benefits can influence your financial plan. We have invited Jennifer Taboada, Vice President at BlackRock, to present on this important subject. Jennifer leads the Social Security Consulting team at BlackRock and serves as a national specialist on financial planning topics including Social Security and Behavioral Finance. She will cover topics such as how Social Security benefits work for you and your spouse, when and how to start receiving benefits, and opportunities to increase your benefits throughout retirement.

If you have any specific Social Security questions, please email, and Jennifer will do her best to answer them during the presentation.

Questions should be submitted by July 31st.

  • When

    Tuesday, August 11th, 2020
    12:00 pm-1:00 pm

  • Where

    A Virtual Event via GoToMeeting. Feel free to leave your camera on or turn it off, we'll mute all attendees when the presentation begins.

  • Access

    Instructions to follow RSVP.

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