Clarifying your financial picture is not just a crucial step but a comforting one in paving the way for a financially successful future. It allows you to set clear goals and effectively understand your overall finances, each contributing to a better understanding and managing your overall financial health. At Vision Capital, we know the importance of providing a well-defined, straightforward financial plan by leveraging our years of experience as Certified Financial Planners ™ and utilizing industry-leading software program eMoney Advisor. This process can bring relief and security, knowing that your financial future is in capable hands.
Financial Planning in the New Year
Start the year with good financial habits and lay the groundwork for a healthier and more prosperous financial future. Just like working with a personal trainer to achieve physical fitness goals, working with a financial planning expert can help you improve your financial wellness and make progress towards your financial goals. [Read more…]
Decoding FAFSA : Understanding Its Purpose and Latest Updates
If college is on the horizon for yourself or someone you love, you have likely heard of the FAFSA – the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Used by the government to award federal school aid, grants, and scholarships, the FAFSA is a form that is filled out annually for the upcoming academic year to determine how much a student and his or her family are expected to be able to contribute towards their college education.
NIKE Employee Benefits: Understanding the Election of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and Stock Options
Equity compensation can be as valuable, if not more so, as cash compensation over the long-term. The election of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), stock options, or a mix between the two is offered to qualifying employees every August. Let’s review some key factors that separate these two deferred compensation methods.
Financial Guide to the Northwest: Comparing Oregon and Washington
Northwest living offers green landscapes, mountains, beaches, and plenty of outdoor fun. Living in Oregon or Washington, two of these beautiful northwest states, bring very different financial planning considerations. This financial guide to the northwest outlines some of the important factors that impact optimizing after tax investment returns, life transitions, and saving for college.